This cdev lets you know when your hard drive is being accessed. It puts a symbol to the left of the "Apple" menu during drive access. With version 2.0, the symbol can be different for each SCSI device. It can be configured for one SCSI address, or all SCSI addresses. Useful if you have a quiet hard drive or a portable.
“In Use” is an INIT/cdev combination that lets you
display and customize an "indicator" that will appear
in the menu bar whenever a SCSI device is being accessed.
You are provided with the option of displaying a different
indicator for each drive or displaying one indicator
for all drives. The indicators are, by default, numbers
which correspond to the SCSI id of the drive being
accessed. You may, of course, change any/all of the
indicators to be whatever you want. If you *really*
mess up the indicators, (fatbits can be a terrible thing!)
just click the "Use Default Indicators" button and the
default "number" indicators will used.
• Version 2.0 final • 5/25/90
Fixed a small problem that would cause the B&W icon to
to be drawn instead of the color one at startup time
when displaying 32 bits/pixel.
• Version 2.0b5 • 5/21/90
Clicks on the bitMap editor "grid" are now bumped to
pretend the click was one pixel over (see MacPaint™).
All references to "bitMaps" in the CDEV have been
replaced with "indicator." -- Thanks for the technoid
alert Steve!
I hope to have removed some of the confusion regarding
the "different-bitMap-for-each-SCSI-ID" and the "use-this-
one-bitMap-for-all-IDs" by rewording the text. I have
also changed the CDEV so that you can edit the
"use-this-one-bitMap-for-all-IDs" indicator only when
the "One indicator for all ID" radio button is "checked."
Due to popular demand, the bitMaps are now 8 by 11!
Yes, that's two more dots horizontally for you to use
in creating that 8x11 Rembrandt! There is an additional
4 instruction per scan line overhead (except in 1 bit)
as a result of this modification. You won't notice
it. Trust me.
What's new for 2.0:
BitMaps are drawn (in place of simply inverting a rect).
A different BitMap for each SCSI ID is provided plus
one extra that can be displayed independent of the
SCSI id.
There is a fat-bits™ BitMap editor in the
CDev (don't look now, its a feature war!) that
permits customization of the bitMaps.
All drawing is done *without* QuickDraw™ in
super-speedy™ unrolled loops. All drawing is
done in 32 bit addressing mode on machines that
support it.
“In Use” works in all currently supported pixel
depths including 32 bits. I have tested “In Use”
on a RasterOps Color Board 264 (I think that's the
model number) in 32 bit mode and it [InUse] was the
fastest drawing thing on the screen (it even worked
as it should!).
“In Use” works on all released CPU's that have a
SCSI chip. It probably works on CPUs that are not
released, but I'm not going to make that claim
without first-hand experience.
Technoid Info:
SCSIDispatch is the entry point for “In Use”.
Memory Hits: 8 x 11 image
Pixel Depth Read Write Total (per scan line)
32 8 8 16
8 2 2 4
4 1 1 2
2 1 1 2
1 1 1 2
(All accesses are longword aligned)
I can be reached for comments, suggestions and unexpected